
I love it when things just…work together. I saw this chart a looong time ago, but I was in denial about a lot of things related to my color and style, so I kind of disregarded what it was trying to tell me. Now, the chart itself isn’t perfect, ie: there’s no such thing as a pure DYT Type. We are all a mix of them. But still. I saw it, saw something I didn’t like, and decided the whole thing was bunk. However, the one thing I’ve rarely ever doubted is my MBTI type. 

I’m an INFJ. It also turns out that in seasonal color analysis that I’m a True Winter (I’m not sure why they distinguish between True and Cool Winter, because in the 12 season system those two terms are synonymous). I’ve also recently (two days ago!) realized that I am a Type 4/2 in Dressing Your Truth. 

Now that I’ve finally let go of some of those negative stereotypes, everything is just falling right into place!


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