Fleshing Out My Style


Oh how I love you.

Oh how I loathe you.

Around and around I go, but I think I’ve finally landed. Style cues are a huge hint for me. I’ve been thinking back to the kinds of things I’ve always liked and felt most like me in. They’re my clue to my secondary, and part of the reason why I was kind of uncomfortable with my primary.

Clogs. Clunky boots, like combat boots. Lightweight cargo pants. Medium sized jewelry, which looks quite large on me since I’m so petite. Courderoys. Comfy flannels. Short hair that’s blended but has loads of texture.

Yup. It’s 2/3.

I know I arrived at this result a long time ago, but I’m back again. I don’t know why I ever left off the idea of this type combo. I’ve been thinking about it so much lately, and it just makes sooo much sense!

Fleshing Out My Style

Why DYT Is Kinda Full of It

Sooo. I’ve been thinking about all this typing stuff again. I know I had decided I was a Type 4 not too long ago, but yet again, I’m having some real doubts. T4 just…feels like a whole lot of work to me. It’s not effortless whatsoever. It’s the full schebang, every single day. Hair, perfect. Makeup, ESSENTIAL. Outfit, in your face. Attitude…”seriously” bitchy, cold, and unapproachable.

I realized over the past few days that I’ve been letting random people on the internet bully me into believing I’m something I’m not. I’m not saying they did it intentionally, and I’m not saying I didn’t ask for it…because I did. I did the number one thing CT says to never, ever do in this system.

I let other people tell me who I am, when I already know who I am.

Yeah. I’m a Type 2 primary. Secondary is 3. But I DO have all the types in me, and they’re all visible.

Right. On. My. Face.

Watch this:

Look, I’m a Type 1! All those circles and star points make it so obvious!

No, wait! Type 2! S-curves everywhere.

Or maybe I’m a T3. Check out all these triangles!

No, it’s got to be Type 4. …right? I look so serious. And what about this symmetry?

Yup. “Face mapping” is complete garbage. Any person at all can make themselves look like any type they want. And if you ask other people…they can make you look like any type they think you are.

So what to do? Ditch DYT altogether? Piecemeal some parts with other systems? Just follow the rules the way they’re laid out and hope for the best?

Or do you follow the program the way it was intended to be? A personality and movement based system.

Well. If I’m going to continue to follow the DYT system, I’m going to do it the way that feels best for me.

That’s right. The most important thing to me is…how I FEEL. I’m a Type 2. I feel like a Type 2. I think like a Type 2. When I’m in person with others (not random selfies with random people on the internet), people treat me like a Type 2. People come to me. They confide in me. They tell me things you wouldn’t tell anybody else. They tell me how calming and relaxing I am to be around.

That’s Type 2. Not 1. Certainly not 3. And definitely not 4.

Why DYT Is Kinda Full of It