Playing With Zyla

So yesterday and the day before, I made a few collages based off Zyla’s official pinterest boards, mostly just for fun, of course, but there are still a couple of archetypes that I vacillate between. Really, I mostly can’t make up my mind between Soft Winter and Dusky Summer, but I do have one surprise palette, which is Antique Winter. Someone suggested it on one of the Zyla facebook groups, and while I’ve not given it much consideration based off the personality part, I figured why not make one.

So here they are!




Like I said before, you can click on the pictures to see the full-sized version…which in the case of these is VERY large!


Playing With Zyla

Zyla Reworked

This is the new palette I made with guidelines from Zyla’s Color Your Style book, as well as comparing from a couple of the Zyla facebook groups. I try to be sure to post a picture of myself with my palettes because then viewers can see the overall harmony of the palette (hopefully!). I’m very pleased with this in general, although I’m wondering now if I ought to have given myself a brownish alternate energy/tranquil spread. My eyes do look very green in certain lighting, but they’re really brown-gray hazel. I chose the greens and green-grays because, frankly, they’re kind of my favorites.

Ms Kitty's New Zyla Collage with Text

This is the palette all by itself.

Ms Kitty's New Zyla

Soon, I’m going to start working on a pinterest board for these. It should be fun…but probably tricky. I did contemplate making that absolutely fabulous Vin Rouge (how could I not add that here?!) in as a Romantic color, but it’s very obvious in my hair when you look at it versus the photo, so I went with 2nd Base instead. I was also wondering if I could go darker with the Romantics, but…I tried a lot of them and wasn’t entirely satisfied. I may update this later if I find some that seem to work, otherwise, this is it!


Zyla Reworked

My Latest Palette.

I have a lot of fun when I’m making palettes, whether they’re for myself or for someone else. My latest is styled somewhat after the idea of Beauty Valued, in that I went with skin, hair, eye, flush, and vein colors to get the palette. I was quite surprised at how well it came out, and when I shared it on one of my facebook groups, one of the girls there asked for help to make one, and I offered to do it for her.

Here are the palettes.

The first one, shown directly below, is my personal palette I made for myself. I knew there would be a lot of brown and green (because of my brown hair and hazel eyes), but I was actually quite surprised at how much purple came out in these, even in my hair! I’ll be honest, I really don’t care for purple for personal reasons…but I’m starting to think I may have to reconsider. They just look so good with the rest of this palette! Since this is actually mine, I have no problem posting my face with these colors.

My absolute favorite and most surprising color of all of these was the Behr Vin Rouge (second down, second in, if you can’t read the text well). Oh. My. Gosh. It is just amazing! (Click the photos to enlarge them. After that, you can hit your browser back button to finish reading.)

Ms. Kitty's Expanded Palette Collage with Text

And the next palette is my friend’s. I’m not going to name her because I don’t have permission to do that, but the palette is too fabulous to not post. A lot of yellow-green-grays and honey golds came out in this palette, but I think it actually all blends quite well! I tried to find her some good blues, but either the teals or the purples went better. Any real blues (aside from those couple of cornflower-ish ones) just felt wrong, so I decided to leave them out.

Heather's Palette with Text

Palette-making is a very intuitive process for me. I do it through looking at the colors versus the person, of course, but a lot of it is just that gut instinct of “Yes, this is perfect!” or “No, that’s not good; let’s move on, here.”


My Latest Palette.

It’s been awhile, but…

So the old computer can’t hack livejournal (6/3/15 update: I’ve since moved here to WordPress), and I’ve been not posting for a while. Just wanted to quickly update on my palette stuff.

I made a new palette for Zyla recently, but it still wasn’t quite right, so two days ago I tweaked it and came up with this:

updated palette 2

And now I’m starting to doubt the Dark seasons altogether. I’ve already determined I’m definitely no Dark Winter (though I thought so for a while) because I do have some warmth. So I started looking into Autumns (haha full circle at long last!), and thought, surely I must be Dark Autumn, because dark hair and dark eyes, right?

Well, maybe not so much, because comparing this to Dark Autumn, I can clearly see how muted it is. So now I’m perhaps thinking Soft Autumn (which is incidentally the same as my little guy, although he has FAR less contrast than I do– he’s straight up very low contrast and I’m more low-medium contrast).



And now, let’s compare the palette I made with the official Invent Your Image Soft Autumn palette:

Soft Autumn PaletteSimple palette


It’s been awhile, but…