Online Thrifting Awesomeness!

My birthday was last weekend, and my MIL came by with a card including fifty bucks. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to purchase with said money and gave a lot of thought to different crafts I enjoy: jewelry making, crocheting, sewing. I really couldn’t make up my mind, until I remembered this super awesome website called Thredup! I know if I really need anything, I NEED new clothes…even if those clothes are only new to me!

Thredup is an online thrift store, for those that do not know. And now that I’m truly embracing my secondary Type 3, one of the things I realized is that I’ve always loved a great deal! I felt really disappointed by my recent purchases at Zulily. I only liked a couple of the things I bought, and only got six items for almost a hundred dollars. Even worse is that I was not pleased with most of what I purchased.

Two items are great in color, but so thin they’re difficult to wear out anyplace. One shirt looks amazing, but the material (while advertised to be like a sweatshirt) is sooo scratchy my comfort-loving, sensitive skinned Type 2 self can barely wear it. The other shirt…well, it doesn’t look anything like it showed in the picture. Instead of soft and muted Type 2 colors, it was a dirty, muddy mess, and the screen printing job was so bad that there are literally runs down the front of the shirt and in every crease area (such as underarms and elbows).

All in all, the experience was sooo disappointing! The only saving grace was the cardigan I bought, an ultra cute charcoal gray one with a v-neck (still unsure about v-necks, though) and button details down the wrists.

This is not the way I like to shop. I really love to get the most for my money, especially since I am admittedly poor. Well, I know that I can be poor and still manage to Dress My Truth when there are awesome websites like Thredup around!

And truth be told…I would much rather get ten awesome things at a thrift store for fifty bucks than one really nice outfit at a department store for the same price! Heck, I think that at most department stores you’re lucky to escape with a single pair of jeans for that amount of money!

So I decided to browse around Thredup and see what I could find. I already made a second mistake buying a pair of nice new jeans at the local department store. I picked out a size 12 because…well, I wasn’t really sure what size I was. I realized two things pretty fast:

1- I’m not a size 12; these jeans are much too big on me, and;
2- well…I like the comfort of jeans, but they don’t really look that good on me.

My well-meaning 4/3 hubby also made mention of the fact that the jeans just weren’t working on me, and god bless him, but he was so gentle about it and worried I was going to have my feelings hurt if he told me so! Well, I had to reassure him over and over again that I did not have my feelings hurt at all, because I didn’t really like those jeans since the moment I got them. It’s so cute that he had such concern for my Type 2 sensitive feelings, though!

So when I went thrifting on Thredup, I decided to look for pants/slacks in size 10 (or large, because I do wear large in tops) instead. And skipped looking at the jeans altogether.

This is what I ended up purchasing. I am expecting this package to come on Monday, which is even more exciting because it’s my day off, so I’m sure to be home to receive it and try on all the awesome stuff I got!


The only thing in here I’m truly uncertain about is the top right hand tank top. I wonder if that color is really Type 2. I might have strayed into Type 1 territory with it, but I won’t find out until this package arrives.

All in all, though…I’m super excited! Instead of six things for almost a hundred bucks, I got NINE SHIRTS and THREE PAIRS OF PANTS for only eighty dollars, and that’s including shipping! My secondary 3 is VERY happy with this!

…I also note as a small aside how often I say/type the word “super”. That’s so totally a Type 3 thing! I don’t know how I could have ever missed this secondary!



Online Thrifting Awesomeness!

Don’t Let Others Tell You YOUR Truth!

Here’s to making big mistakes, y’all!

It’s been a little while since I wrote or updated in here, a month, actually. Last time I posted, I felt so sure that I wasn’t a Dressing Your Truth Type 2 with a Secondary 1. I’d posted a few pictures on some DYT Facebook groups, and the resounding answer was I was a Type 4, probably with a Secondary 2.

Now, I loathe Type 4 style and colors. So I resisted this altogether, and even went so far as to make a HUGE rant on the Type 4 group about what to do when you hate your Type. It began when I had this dream, and in it, I met Carol. She told me in no uncertain terms that I was very obviously a Type 4, and that I ought to just get over it and start Dressing My Truth the right way. The whole thing was very surreal (like dreams tend to be), but very vivid, and almost had the quality of a nightmare. I woke up literally sick to my stomach with anxiety, knowing that I was a Type 4.

So people on Facebook said to me, “Well, a lot of people have resistance to their Type because they have issues they haven’t confronted. However, if it really felt like a nightmare, it’s always possible it really WAS a nightmare, especially if you fear that Carol would Type you as a 4 and you feel the least comfortable as one.”

And I got to thinking about that for a good while.

Truth of the matter is, they were right. I can tell by when I wear Type 4 clothing that it’s so not right for me. The red and black? Good God. I feel so full of anxiety and completely riddled with exhaustion at the same time. A Type 4 should be able to rock that like nobody’s business. And I know for a fact that straight black and white (stark Type 4 color combo that only a 4 can pull off) is SO bad on me!

The big problem I had– and still have, to some degree– is letting other people tell me what my Truth is. Ironically, Carol warns people about this pretty consistently, and even does so right in the DYT free course guidelines.

BIG mistake.

I had to take a real step back and examine what I really need out of this color and style journey. I already know that I’m a Soft Gamine in Kibbe’s style system. I’ve tested it, and it really works. I already know that I…don’t quite fit into sci/art, the way most people would think. I LOOK like I should be a Dark Winter…but the colors are too strong and too saturated. I love to look at it, but on me it doesn’t feel RIGHT. So then that leaves Soft Summer (the only other real match to my coloring)…but I don’t quite seem to be as soft and blended as a typical Soft Summer. I also have more contrast and appear a bit more crisp.


Crisp, eh?

And then it starts making sense again. I was leaning Type 4 something or other because I saw what I needed out of clothing styles and thought the word “structured” and the word “clean” and the word “simple”. But those adjectives don’t really define me. Type 4 is structured and clean enough to look fabulous in color blocking. On me, it’s pretty unfabulous. Boring, even.

I needed something more. More…animation? More whimsy? More playfulness? I thought I might need texture, but that was wrong and so Type 3, which I know doesn’t fit me. What I needed was crispness and LIGHTNESS. Lightness is Type ONE.

I keep thinking about my hair and what I need from it to look good and be comfortable. Having long hair is just awful on me. I know my  hubby likes and prefers long hair, but he’s going to have to love me without it, because it drags me down, makes me feel depressed, and hides me completely. I become completely lost behind this huge, flat curtain of hair, and frankly, it’s awful. I hate it. I’m not interested in dressing it up in any way. It’s so hard to take care of and maintain, so I throw it up in a ponytail or a bun…and end up looking like a severe, unhappy version of a Type 4. I look severe and unhappy because I am NOT a Type 4, and that’s utterly clear to me now.

What I need out of my hair is LIGHTNESS. I need it to be free, to move, to bounce. Imagine my surprise last summer when I went to the salon to get my hair cut and got this cute layered bob style. All of a sudden, all kinds of movement started happening. All my life I’ve had stick-straight hair. No I don’t! Not at all! When my hair is long (and by long, I mean, anywhere longer than my collarbone), it’s TOO HEAVY for me! I actually don’t have straight hair at all…and if I recall correctly, I’ve seen pictures of me as a little with this super adorable mop of wavy hair. It’s when I start to conform to what others want of me (Dad: “Women should have long hair.”) that I start to lose myself.

Now, I’m still searching for the perfect haircut, and I’m quite a bit overdue. Indeed, I’m at the point already where it’s easier to ponytail it and look like a Four again. Next time, it needs to go a LOT shorter to get it right. I haven’t found the right stylist yet, so hopefully the next one I see (whenever taxes come in; good grief, IRS, get on the ball here!) will do a better job. I fully intend to come armed with lots of photos of hairstyles and a LIST of keywords for the stylist to keep in mind as she’s chopping away at my mop.

Anyway, that was a bit of a segue, wasn’t it? Coming back around to things, I’m sure that a lot of people would read this and think, “Well, with all this need for lightness…are you sure you’re not a Primary Type 1 instead of a 2?” Well, yeah. Yeah, I am sure. Because I know what colors look good on me for a fact, and those are Type 2 colors. I also have the personality traits of a Type 2, think, act, and react like a 2, get emotional like a Type 2, &c. There’s really no getting around it. I know for certain I am a Two. It’s just my Type 1 is so close (and hey, even the Type 4 is pretty close) to the Type 2 that it’s easy to get confused.

So there you have it. My detailed ramble on why I’m a Type Two Secondary One.


Don’t Let Others Tell You YOUR Truth!

Making My Own Way.

I’ve had a few days now to really let the idea that I’m DYT Type 1/2 sink in. I find myself checking in against it often, and I’ve also seen a lot of patterns confirming this type. I’ve questioned it intensely in my mind, because…well, because I can see aspects of myself in ALL of the types.

Why not a primary Type 2? After all, I’m a notorious pile-maker, and I do worry a lot. Also don’t forget the fact that it’s said that one’s emotional reaction is always one’s primary type, so bring on the water works.

But what about Type 3? Lord knows I adore autumn colors and lots and lots of texture. And don’t I tend to have a stubborn, bullish kind of quality sometimes?

Sure, but Type 4. I’m a huge perfectionist. At times in my past, I’ve had people literally compliment me on my enunciation (which I thought was a rather odd compliment, to be sure). And one of my biggest word descriptors is certainly “stupid”…though I don’t know if I just see an extra dose of stupidity living in the city like I do, making it pop out of my mouth so often.

So, yeah. I guess I AM all of the types. And to some degree, that’s true. We ARE all of the types…in degrees. And figuring out the degrees of what is what is super important to me.

Keywords are generalities for sure, but once I sat down with some real honesty I could see that this is the right fit for me, and that a lot of my other behaviors are learned ones due to my difficult upbringing.

The huge problem I come across now is some differences of opinion, and this is the point where I decided I HAVE to diverge and go my own way on the Dressing Your Truth scheme.

The number one disconnect for me is the wearing of gold jewelry and accessories. Sounds kind of lame, I know. But what I do know for a fact is that gold isn’t the greatest on me. I really look good in silver. This, according to some, would kick me off the DYT bandwagon immediately, and though I still have an urge to do it one day, I’m kind of glad that I’ve not spent the money on the actual course. Anyone with some common sense can find out everything they need to know about this system to apply it very effectively to their life.

So what to do about the gold vs. silver debate?

Well. I have decided to keep my silver and continue to omit gold (except for maybe rose gold, though I’ve not tried it yet). At the same time, I know that a Spring type (Type 1) must be light and uplifting. So I will keep my silver BUT also make sure it’s very shiny, and not wear heavy pieces that will drag that energy down. I will also endeavor to ensure that it’s playful and fun.

These earrings are really shiny, not to mention super fun!
Circles in a design, with an opal (which is a very light, airy, and uplifting type of stone to me).
Adding an element of fun and playfulness to jewelry. And what could be more fitting for Ms. Kitty, eh? 🙂

Another problem I’ve had that’s almost as important as the gold vs. silver debate is the colors themselves. When I think of Type 1, this is what comes into my mind:

bright spring

And oh my gosh. This really feels like too much. I just cannot do these ultra-bright type of colors. I have a literal visceral reaction against them, like I’m nauseated. In fact, even posting that picture on here and looking at it makes me feel a wee bit queasy. So obviously that’s not good.

I don’t want to walk around constantly feeling like I might just throw up at any time. Ha.

I need a little more subtlety to pull off anything remotely Type 1…and realistically, maybe that’s where my secondary Type 2 comes in. In the course, you’re supposed to use Type 1 colors, metals, style, and lines with two or three different secondary Type 2 style elements (in my case, softening up the Type 1 energy a little bit). But I’d like to take it a step further. I’d like to take it here instead:

Still warm, but with lots of gray (Type 2) and more subdued but still cute and feminine.
An all neutral-based Type 1 look I found on pinterest somewhere. This is really doable for me, though it might feel a bit heavy (?).
Type 1 can have a lot of floral, depending on individual preference. I’ve seen a lot of floral patterns that are way too big, but this one is perfect. I’m petite, so I need smaller patterns to not be overwhelmed. Also, I would prefer skinny jeans over bootcut here. Let me add…I will never, EVER go to the acid washed looking jeans shown for Type 1s. I like and prefer dark washed jeans because they look more put together. Always.
Another lighter version, but still staying toward the warmer direction. I hate how this person mixed metals. I hate mixed metals, so that won’t happen. I also hate anything “distressed” and I loathe jean jackets, but everything else is quite nice, as well as being Florida appropriate!
Another mainly neutral type outfit. I’d do the colors well enough, though I would lighten up the cardigan to a lighter fabric. This one feels more Type 3 to me.
Again with the “distressed” jeans! Ugh. You know what makes me really distressed in real life? My clothes with holes in them. No. Just no. Everything else is pretty smashing, but change the metals to shiny silver.
Another neutral type outfit, with fun added. I’ve never worn a tulle skirt before, so I don’t know if I’d like it, but it sure is cute! And that cardigan is fabulous (also circles!).
I absolutely ADORE this sweater/shirt. The skirt is waaaay too short for me, but I could do it if it were modest, or pair with jeans instead. Love the color combination here, and the nod toward Type 2 in the waves (S-curves) on the sweater, then the pearls (circles) on the collar for Type 1. Scallops on the bag as well (half-circles). Cute!
This last one…may be a bit too bright for me. But the general idea I love. Neutral neutral neutral with a pop of color.

Anyway, those are my ideas. I’m going to continue to solidify this idea over pinterest. Follow me there through the link on the top of this blog.


Making My Own Way.

I Was Definitely Wrong!

So yesterday I was blogging about how I was unsure of my DYT (Dressing Your Truth) secondary type. It’s something I’ve been having a naturally difficult time with. I really feel like I’ve been overthinking this thing.

But today, I had the opportunity to sit down and just check out some of Carol’s “finding your type” videos…and I’m over the second-guessing.

I’m not a 2/3 at all. I want to be, though, because I love the earthiness and texture they get. It reminds me of nature, which I love. It’s also a good part of the reason why I had such a hard time letting go of the Autumn general seasonal color. It feels natural to me.

But it’s not me.

I’m definitely 2/1.

How do I know this? Well, like I said yesterday, Two as primary is a given for me. The video talking about how we react when emotionally upset or stressed out was very telling. Not only that, but it should also have given me some clues as to the secondary. Yes, I’m very emotional; that’s something I never want to change about me. I cry, I worry endlessly, I get sick to my stomach. All very Type 2.

But the other thing I do? Bury it. I don’t want to talk about it. I want it to go away. And Carol said, clearly, that a Type 1 will straight up say “I don’t want to talk about this right now”. And when I’m upset, that’s how I feel. I’m emotional. I feel like a wreck. I’m crying and feeling like crap…and no, I do not want to talk about it. I just want it to go away. I want to stop dwelling, because I’m never going to regain control of my emotions unless I don’t have to think about it.

All very Type 1, eh?

Not only that, but I see a LOT of One in my face. Here are examples of confirmed Type 1s, along with my own picture (though it’s an old one) for reference.

4-Types-of-Jaleah Dressing-Your-Truth-Jamie-Type-1-Before-and-After Dressing-Your-Truth-Jessica-Type-1-Before-After Dressing-Your-Truth-Type-1-Before-and-AfterVersus me:



This is the most telling version where you can see a lot of the “upward movements” the lady on Facebook was talking about. I see the Two in the lips and nose (S-curves), with the heart shaped face Ones have, as well as the “smiling eyes” look, asymmetrical dimples, high forehead, apple cheeks, &c.

Not only that, but a hallmark trait of a Type 1 is that they tend to see themselves in ALL of the types, making it difficult to narrow down which one they are. They’re keeping their options open. Lord knows I did just that. Am I a One? Well, maybe. I seem to have a lot of the physical features. Maybe Two? Oh yes, I’m very emotional. What about Three? I definitely have a good bit of texture in my skin, and I do tend to be very impulsive and sometimes snappish. Four? Sure. I like to be still, quiet, and alone.

And as well as all that? I start a lot of projects but DON’T finish them. This is a One movement, not a Three. I say I get really fired up when I’m talking about something I have passion for (maybe more because I have a lot of Aries in different aspects and less so because it’s a movement of mine…), so fire made me think Three. But really? I get ANIMATED when I talk about something I’m passionate about. And I gesticulate. A lot.

Though I wouldn’t necessarily say that things are “fun” (a Type 1 keyword), I do say “cute” and “adorable” a LOT. And having watched some of the expressions of Type 1 women on some of Carol’s videos, I can see that I do a lot of them…to some degree.

A part of me wonders, even…if things hadn’t gone the way they did in my childhood (I won’t get into it here, because there’s a lot of very personal stuff; suffice it to say that I had a very rough time of things), I kind of wonder if I wouldn’t have always been a primary Type 1 with a 2 secondary. And I wonder if I wouldn’t be happier that way. At the same time, though, I am who I am…now. Not who I could have been had things been different.

But maybe that’s a different subject for another day.

Anyway, I’m convinced.

DYT Type 2/1 it is!

Now to make a pinterest board! Woo!


I Was Definitely Wrong!

Feeling Out Soft Winter (Zyla)

It’s been awhile since I’ve written in here. Lots going on in the ol’ personal life, of course. That hasn’t stopped me from thinking about colors and style at all, though, let me assure you!

Recently, one of the wonderful women on the Facebook color and style groups offered to make vision boards for people, and I asked to be signed up. She did a wonderful, fabulous, AMAZING job…and now I wonder how I could ever have doubted Zyla’s Soft Winter for myself! So much so, I’d be highly surprised if I saw the man myself and got any other answer.

I’m not going to post the entire board, as it’s secret still, but I just waned to share a few of my favorite pins from it. I saw some things in the board that I’m frankly not too surprised about, especially in the colors. I’ve already recently figured out (and making a pinterest on it, of course!) that my primary, best colors are in the split complimentary color scheme. Reds/pinks. Cool greens that go very deep. And the one I struggled with for a long time: purple.

I won’t lie. I love lace. Love love love! I would do this with leggings since it looks well over the knee.
Antique-looking jewelry. I love this purple. I could do it in garnet too, I think (which would be sweet since it’s hubby’s birthstone!).
I must say…I love ankle boots. So hard. And these are adorable. Though I don’t know if I’d be daring enough to do them in purple. Shoes are so expensive when you’re buying good ones. I’d be more likely in real life to buy them in charcoal, so that they match more things. But if money were no object…yes.
I love the idea of a coat with a hood attached. I feel like…when I’m feeling sensitive, I could hide in it.
I just love everything about this dress. In real life, it would drag on the floor soooo much, because I’m super short. But I could hem it. Also adore the slight puff sleeves and the elbow length.
Mary janes? YES. Tights? Double YES!
I love the idea of this. The top may be a bit too revealing for me personally, but I love the drape and the slight asymmetry and the gentle details. I could make this modest enough to wear in real life pretty easily. Also…charcoal. One of my best neutrals.
Love the little nod to the SGness in me. I would absolutely wear this collar.
I love this particularly over the shirt. Looks Edwardian styled, without going into the frilly poet shirt type of thing, which I know is no good on me (and really, I do feel ridiculous in a frilly shirt). This, though…just perfect. Love the sleeves. Love the neckline. Adore that fabric. I feel like my patterns must be kept monochrome, which seems to be a SW thing anyhow. Busy patterns are distracting and overwhelming on me.
One of my personal best colors. Pine green. Love the velvet. I would do this in a longer length, and definitely with both sleeves instead of this asymmetrical type style. That’s all I need, to have one arm be hot, and the other freezing all day! lol
Don’t know if they call this wine or burgundy. I love the color. I love the waist. Love the flow. I’d have to figure out how to cover up my chest and arms…but it would be worth the effort. This is a color I’ve always been a little shy of. I’m always afraid to go too deep, because often deep gets vampy…and while I did a stint playing goth girl in high school, that’s really so not me. So I’m having a difficult time drawing the line between soft enough, deep enough, but not bite your neck enough. Ha.
Feeling Out Soft Winter (Zyla)

Playing On Polyvore

Now that I have a pretty fair idea of the kind of style I’d like to employ in my personal life, I’ve been spending some of my off-time playing on polyvore, putting together looks that I enjoy and would wear. On pinterest, there are lots of outfits, but there’s always been one or two elements (usually way-too-high-heels) that I’m not keen on. So the solution, obviously, was to just make my own.


Playing On Polyvore

Solidifying My Style

Between long and weird hours working at my new job, I’ve been doing a lot of pinteresting stuff regarding my personal style, what I feel looks best on me, and what expresses who I want others to see me as. And now I’m trying to figure out how I can do a kind of capsule/staple wardrobe (on the cheap, because hey, I’m broke!) that will encompass the ideas I’ve been learning about myself and what I’m drawn to.

So this post will talk about what I’ve found and what I would like to slowly start gathering up.

I’ve come to the realization that I must be through with trying to be something other than myself. And what I am is a lot of things. Cute. Feminine. Girly. Shy. A bit naive. Youthful. Indeed, most people think I’m at least ten years younger than my age, if not fifteen years younger! I need to stop fighting this and embrace who I truly am, and I feel like this style will nicely encompass that. The term ingenue really does apply to me, and this is my personal take on that idea.

The look, generally, would be fitted cardigans (likely mostly neutrals in order to match things better and be more versatile) over equally fitted tank tops in various colors for more visual interest, paired with slim fitting pants that are ankle cropped or capri length. My best necklines are a softened higher square neck, boatneck, or high crew style. V necks are…not good on me. Skirts…well, I haven’t decided on those yet, although I’m leaning more fitted (but still long to conform to my personal modesty standards).

Cute shoes (of course!) are a must. Flats, if I can ever find some that will fit my fat feet, should be cute, and I also love Mary Janes with a passion (and currently own a pair of black ones). Adorable, whimsical accessories, such as necklaces, dainty dangly earrings, and charm bracelets. I have also become somewhat obsessed with what’s called “ear crawler” style earrings. They are super adorable! Also featured would be hats, namely cloche style hats, which I find absolutely fabulous and utterly adore. I haven’t decided on belting yet, but I think I may have to actually buy a skinny belt and try it to see if the look works on me.

Anyway, here’s a visual.

This cardigan, really, is a great option for a white looking color that will actually work on my Soft Summer self. I also would like one in black, navy, and gray (but not necessarily heather gray).
I don’t know that I could say no to this green, even if it’s not a neutral base color.
You might also see some of this.
Forever 21, probably the best place ever to buy camisoles. These are a buck ninety EACH, and they carry nearly fifty different colors. Not that I would buy one of each, but there are a LOT of options here to pair with neutral colored cardis. This particular color, incidentally, looks like a fabulous Zyla essence match.
Cropped pants. These jeans, particularly, are fabulous…and I typically hate jeans. See also cropped cigarette pants.
Cute and whimsical necklaces.
Utterly adorable!
Ear crawlers! I would wear these when I have my hair back with barrettes. Because there would be no point if my hair was down.
Shoes like these (not necessarily this color, though).
This bag is simply adorable, not to mention Soft Summer complimentary!
Makeup like this. Soft. Fresh. Natural. Not in your face.
Last but certainly not least, nails. This color is absolutely fabulous. Typically I only do French pink/nude color on my nails (and keep them generally short, as is seen in this photo), but if I were to do a color, THIS would be it!

So. We see a lot of different stuff here, but I think it’s an amazing put-together look. If I were to sum up this look it would be:

Fresh. Cute. Feminine. Adorable. Enchanting. Girly.

Soft Gamine is the winner.


Solidifying My Style

Exploring Soft Gamine & Ingenue

Over the last couple/few days, I’ve been giving my Kibbe type a real workout. I’ve been told by many to explore Soft Natural (SN for the purpose of this blog), and I have done so at length. I do like the looks of a lot of SN, but there are glaring inconsistencies in how it actually translates to my person when I try to wear it. For example, SN is meant to be loose(ish) and flowing, so I bought a waterfall-style open cardigan. Super comfortable, yes. But flattering? Eh. It kind of makes me look like a straight box with huge hips and bum. …and really, I don’t want to look like I have a huge bum and hips.

So on one of the color & style yuku boards, I posted some of my concerns. Can I really be SN when I’m so obviously short (at four feet and eleven inches)? Just how important IS height in these systems, because I’m so darned short I don’t register on most of the scales?! Can I really be SN when I seem to need a bit more structure (but not TOO much, ie: close-fitting but not cinched waist definition)? Can I really be SN when I can’t do long hair at all, and short and wavy looks SO much better?

The first person to comment suggested Soft Gamine (SG for short, and sometimes called Ingenue in other systems), and maybe a nod toward SN (which I’ve already been HIGHLY questioning).

Soft Gamine?


Let’s check that out.

So off to the world wide web I went, looking up all kinds of information on SG, browsing through pinterest boards, and perusing forums. And a lot of it…really kind of appeals to me.

Now, I don’t entirely feel like my energy is as upbeat as SG seems to be, but a lot of the elements are those I’ve been quite attracted to. Especially close-fitting cardigans, tiny romantic details, capri pants, strappy but cute sandals. And let’s not even get started on haircuts! My absolutely, 100% favorite personal hair style is SG all the way! When I wear my hair like that…gosh, I feel so good, so alive, so like myself!

And now I wonder…is it time to give Soft Gamine a go? I think maybe so!

Here’s my pinterest board of SG styles (not necessarily colors) I’m drawn toward or think would do well on me:


Exploring Soft Gamine & Ingenue