I Took The Dive!

That’s right! I’m so totally confident in this new Soft Autumn thing that this past weekend I dove through my closet and got rid of basically everything that’s not at least at the bare minimum Autumn in color!

Under normal circumstances, I would have washed everything and donated it. However, we do not have a washer or dryer, so all of our clothes are washed by hand. All the non- matching clothes, alas, went straight into the dumpster.

I don’t even feel like I need to buy any more makeup, looking for that perfect match. Everything I’ve got now is right on target.

And all of this happened simply because in Jen Thoden’s Your Color Style group on Facebook, I asked how I could be Cool when an antique gold eyeliner I have looks so great on me. There were no great, obvious answers to the question.

But I found the answer on my own!

I Took The Dive!

And I’m Back… Again!

It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted anything on this little blog. SOOOO much has happened in the last couple years!

I have discovered a lot about color stuff! Over the past couple years, I’ve kind of settled with Soft Summer as my general season type, though I knew I lean toward the deeper end of the spectrum of colors. Something about it was never quite right, but I was endlessly frustrated trying to figure it out. So when I say I settled, I really do mean I SETTLED. Over about the past month, my dissatisfaction at what I was seeing in the mirror made me take another really hard look at Seasonal Color Analysis again. There were a couple things I knew for sure:

I’m definitely neutral seasoned.

I’m definitely Soft on the scale of things.

I could see a few things wrong with SSu that I frankly kind of ignored. The biggest problem is a look I call spaghetti mouth. When wearing SSu recced lippies, even if I wore a lipliner (which tbh I’m not so very inclined to do), I always noticed a faint red ring around my mouth, like the lipstick color was bleeding outside the lines. Or like a little kid looks like after they’re done eating their plate of spaghetti. Even though their little face has been washed, that faint reddish-orange ring around the mouth persists. I tried True Summer for a bit, thinking the red ring meant the color was too warm. Ooooh, that was even worse!

The only other option was to look in the other direction. If the redness wasn’t caused by a too warm color, perhaps it was caused by a too COOL color! And what season is warmer than Soft Summer while still staying Soft?

Could I really be a Soft Autumn???

I thought, no way. But only one way to find out! I went on some Facebook color groups and surfed the WWW for some quality lippie recs. I learned from the Soft Autumn group that the lippie most often recced to trial SA- MAC Twig- is almost universally disliked by most SA’s. I recall that I bought this color as THE SA color to try many, many years ago, and it was soooo bad that I threw out the whole idea of SA from there on out.

What a mistake!

I really should have looked for more natural-looking recs. Most megapale ladies of Irish and Mediterranean discent like myself have anything remotely resembling Twig- straight brown for lips! Nooo! I should have remembered that 90s classic Toast of New York looked like a pretty natural dark brick red on me back in the day. I haven’t tried it again…but I’m kinda curious to.

Here is the list of makeup recs that I’ve tried out so far:

Lippies: CG Outlast Wine to Five
Clinique Chunkiest Chili
Lancome Rose Petale
MAC See Sheer
Avon Cantaloupe
NARS Banned Red
Blush: Benefit Dandelion
Covergirl Brick Rose

Every single one? SPOT ON PERFECT IN EVERY WAY! The dreaded spaghetti mouth is GONE! It’s just perfectly blended, harmonious color on my face! And the blushes- a perfect extension of my actual skin without looking garish or like it’s just sitting on top there!

I almost still cannot believe it! I could have saved myself literally HUNDREDS of dollars in makeup had I only known waaay back in the day that MAC Twig is not such a good or well-liked color amongst even draped SA people!

And now, on to the pics!

CG Wine to Five
MAC See Sheer
CG again
More CG
NARS Banned Red

No blush in any of these. Just my natural face sans foundation. Probably a smidge of translucent powder to combat shine.

So, after all these amazing results, I went through my makeup bags and…threw everything away that isn’t obviously warm or recced for SA! Hundreds of dollars’ worth of makeup is in my dumpster right this moment!

Even things that I bought recently for SSu that were barely used! All the Winter makeup I bought because other people in Facebook groups said that I “look like a Winter subtype of some kind”, gone! All the spaghetti mouth lippies, adieu!

It kind of hurt a bit to throw out so much money, but truth be told, I threw my money away the moment I bought it! And the Autumn thing next will be…my wardrobe! It’s difficult to buy online, but I will be pleased enough to have an Autumn wardrobe, generally speaking!

And I’m Back… Again!