
So I was very happy overall with my purchases at thredup, but now I’m just a bit disappointed. I had a huge revelation that’s made me regret buying all that Type 2 stuff.

Fact of the matter is…I’m not a Type 2, y’all. I never was. All my feeling like a Type 2 is because that’s my secondary taking me over.

So in all actuality…I’m a primary Type 3! It took m a long time to come to grips with it. Type 3 is considered a yang/masculine energy, but I was raised thinking that this was bad and that I must push myself into the ultrafeminine Type 2 mold.

I never could admit it before. But the more I examine myself the more I know it to be true.



Online Thrifting Awesomeness!

My birthday was last weekend, and my MIL came by with a card including fifty bucks. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to purchase with said money and gave a lot of thought to different crafts I enjoy: jewelry making, crocheting, sewing. I really couldn’t make up my mind, until I remembered this super awesome website called Thredup! I know if I really need anything, I NEED new clothes…even if those clothes are only new to me!

Thredup is an online thrift store, for those that do not know. And now that I’m truly embracing my secondary Type 3, one of the things I realized is that I’ve always loved a great deal! I felt really disappointed by my recent purchases at Zulily. I only liked a couple of the things I bought, and only got six items for almost a hundred dollars. Even worse is that I was not pleased with most of what I purchased.

Two items are great in color, but so thin they’re difficult to wear out anyplace. One shirt looks amazing, but the material (while advertised to be like a sweatshirt) is sooo scratchy my comfort-loving, sensitive skinned Type 2 self can barely wear it. The other shirt…well, it doesn’t look anything like it showed in the picture. Instead of soft and muted Type 2 colors, it was a dirty, muddy mess, and the screen printing job was so bad that there are literally runs down the front of the shirt and in every crease area (such as underarms and elbows).

All in all, the experience was sooo disappointing! The only saving grace was the cardigan I bought, an ultra cute charcoal gray one with a v-neck (still unsure about v-necks, though) and button details down the wrists.

This is not the way I like to shop. I really love to get the most for my money, especially since I am admittedly poor. Well, I know that I can be poor and still manage to Dress My Truth when there are awesome websites like Thredup around!

And truth be told…I would much rather get ten awesome things at a thrift store for fifty bucks than one really nice outfit at a department store for the same price! Heck, I think that at most department stores you’re lucky to escape with a single pair of jeans for that amount of money!

So I decided to browse around Thredup and see what I could find. I already made a second mistake buying a pair of nice new jeans at the local department store. I picked out a size 12 because…well, I wasn’t really sure what size I was. I realized two things pretty fast:

1- I’m not a size 12; these jeans are much too big on me, and;
2- well…I like the comfort of jeans, but they don’t really look that good on me.

My well-meaning 4/3 hubby also made mention of the fact that the jeans just weren’t working on me, and god bless him, but he was so gentle about it and worried I was going to have my feelings hurt if he told me so! Well, I had to reassure him over and over again that I did not have my feelings hurt at all, because I didn’t really like those jeans since the moment I got them. It’s so cute that he had such concern for my Type 2 sensitive feelings, though!

So when I went thrifting on Thredup, I decided to look for pants/slacks in size 10 (or large, because I do wear large in tops) instead. And skipped looking at the jeans altogether.

This is what I ended up purchasing. I am expecting this package to come on Monday, which is even more exciting because it’s my day off, so I’m sure to be home to receive it and try on all the awesome stuff I got!


The only thing in here I’m truly uncertain about is the top right hand tank top. I wonder if that color is really Type 2. I might have strayed into Type 1 territory with it, but I won’t find out until this package arrives.

All in all, though…I’m super excited! Instead of six things for almost a hundred bucks, I got NINE SHIRTS and THREE PAIRS OF PANTS for only eighty dollars, and that’s including shipping! My secondary 3 is VERY happy with this!

…I also note as a small aside how often I say/type the word “super”. That’s so totally a Type 3 thing! I don’t know how I could have ever missed this secondary!



Online Thrifting Awesomeness!