The Haircut!

I don’t know how I forgot to post about this!

I broke down and got my dream haircut, and I admit that I’m 100% in love with this style. I had no idea how much texture and wave my hair had until I did this cut! I feel so much more ME now, and I don’t think I’ll ever not style my hair this way for the rest of my life. I always knew I looked so much better with short hair. Should’ve taken that as a Kibbe hint, too, since Soft Gamine recommendations for hair are always medium to short.


It’s an angled bob, and I had the girl do bangs as well. I don’t know how I ever lived without bangs! They really balance out my long heart-shaped face and bring the focus inwards towards my actual features. Beforehand, I always felt like I had this massive forehead, and I was always struggling to cover it up. Now I don’t have to because it’s already done for me!

I love this haircut because I can wear it either wavy with the help of a little mousse while it’s still wet, or leave it straight. I’ve also become a huuuuuge fan of barrettes again, to pull the hair off my face when I’m not keen on sweating so much (yey, Florida summers!). I’m also looking into getting some cute headbands. Indeed, I’m eyeballing anything cute, period. Next on the list of “want to get” is some ear crawlers!

This particular photo also shows my first ever attempt at doing liquid eyeliner (a great recommendation for Soft Gamines). I’ve gotten much better at it since this picture, and I’ll admit that I feel SO much more put together when I added the liquid eyeliner to my makeup routine!


The Haircut!

Gosh, Make Up My Mind!

So I’ve been super happy with Soft Gamine as my Kibbe type, and have poured over all the pinterest boards I can. My personal boards are coming out well, and I’m overall feeling great about SG. I’m also very much looking forward to being able to do some shopping, but that’s going to wait until I’ve met my weight loss goals.

Today I was thinking about correlating systems, and I’m in a bit of a predicament now.

Kibbe’s Soft Gamine? Fabulous!

Zyla Soft Winter? …not even a close match in style.

And now I really need to go back and rethink my whole Zyla archetype and style, because I feel like Kibbe SG works so well that Zyla must have some kind of correlating archetype that would give me those style recommendations.

Back to the ol’ drawing board for Zyla, I guess!


Gosh, Make Up My Mind!