Feeling Out Soft Winter (Zyla)

It’s been awhile since I’ve written in here. Lots going on in the ol’ personal life, of course. That hasn’t stopped me from thinking about colors and style at all, though, let me assure you!

Recently, one of the wonderful women on the Facebook color and style groups offered to make vision boards for people, and I asked to be signed up. She did a wonderful, fabulous, AMAZING job…and now I wonder how I could ever have doubted Zyla’s Soft Winter for myself! So much so, I’d be highly surprised if I saw the man myself and got any other answer.

I’m not going to post the entire board, as it’s secret still, but I just waned to share a few of my favorite pins from it. I saw some things in the board that I’m frankly not too surprised about, especially in the colors. I’ve already recently figured out (and making a pinterest on it, of course!) that my primary, best colors are in the split complimentary color scheme. Reds/pinks. Cool greens that go very deep. And the one I struggled with for a long time: purple.

I won’t lie. I love lace. Love love love! I would do this with leggings since it looks well over the knee.
Antique-looking jewelry. I love this purple. I could do it in garnet too, I think (which would be sweet since it’s hubby’s birthstone!).
I must say…I love ankle boots. So hard. And these are adorable. Though I don’t know if I’d be daring enough to do them in purple. Shoes are so expensive when you’re buying good ones. I’d be more likely in real life to buy them in charcoal, so that they match more things. But if money were no object…yes.
I love the idea of a coat with a hood attached. I feel like…when I’m feeling sensitive, I could hide in it.
I just love everything about this dress. In real life, it would drag on the floor soooo much, because I’m super short. But I could hem it. Also adore the slight puff sleeves and the elbow length.
Mary janes? YES. Tights? Double YES!
I love the idea of this. The top may be a bit too revealing for me personally, but I love the drape and the slight asymmetry and the gentle details. I could make this modest enough to wear in real life pretty easily. Also…charcoal. One of my best neutrals.
Love the little nod to the SGness in me. I would absolutely wear this collar.
I love this particularly over the shirt. Looks Edwardian styled, without going into the frilly poet shirt type of thing, which I know is no good on me (and really, I do feel ridiculous in a frilly shirt). This, though…just perfect. Love the sleeves. Love the neckline. Adore that fabric. I feel like my patterns must be kept monochrome, which seems to be a SW thing anyhow. Busy patterns are distracting and overwhelming on me.
One of my personal best colors. Pine green. Love the velvet. I would do this in a longer length, and definitely with both sleeves instead of this asymmetrical type style. That’s all I need, to have one arm be hot, and the other freezing all day! lol
Don’t know if they call this wine or burgundy. I love the color. I love the waist. Love the flow. I’d have to figure out how to cover up my chest and arms…but it would be worth the effort. This is a color I’ve always been a little shy of. I’m always afraid to go too deep, because often deep gets vampy…and while I did a stint playing goth girl in high school, that’s really so not me. So I’m having a difficult time drawing the line between soft enough, deep enough, but not bite your neck enough. Ha.
Feeling Out Soft Winter (Zyla)

Playing With Zyla

So yesterday and the day before, I made a few collages based off Zyla’s official pinterest boards, mostly just for fun, of course, but there are still a couple of archetypes that I vacillate between. Really, I mostly can’t make up my mind between Soft Winter and Dusky Summer, but I do have one surprise palette, which is Antique Winter. Someone suggested it on one of the Zyla facebook groups, and while I’ve not given it much consideration based off the personality part, I figured why not make one.

So here they are!




Like I said before, you can click on the pictures to see the full-sized version…which in the case of these is VERY large!


Playing With Zyla

Zyla Reworked

This is the new palette I made with guidelines from Zyla’s Color Your Style book, as well as comparing from a couple of the Zyla facebook groups. I try to be sure to post a picture of myself with my palettes because then viewers can see the overall harmony of the palette (hopefully!). I’m very pleased with this in general, although I’m wondering now if I ought to have given myself a brownish alternate energy/tranquil spread. My eyes do look very green in certain lighting, but they’re really brown-gray hazel. I chose the greens and green-grays because, frankly, they’re kind of my favorites.

Ms Kitty's New Zyla Collage with Text

This is the palette all by itself.

Ms Kitty's New Zyla

Soon, I’m going to start working on a pinterest board for these. It should be fun…but probably tricky. I did contemplate making that absolutely fabulous Vin Rouge (how could I not add that here?!) in as a Romantic color, but it’s very obvious in my hair when you look at it versus the photo, so I went with 2nd Base instead. I was also wondering if I could go darker with the Romantics, but…I tried a lot of them and wasn’t entirely satisfied. I may update this later if I find some that seem to work, otherwise, this is it!


Zyla Reworked

And to compare…

Not sure if this would be Dark or Soft Autumn. I’m inclined to trust the palette I made more than someone else’s. I’m going to check out a few more, too, like maybe even Dark Winter or Soft Summer, and see how the comparison goes.

Dark Winter (which at one time I thought yes to) seems like a definite nope!

Soft Summer
This is VERY close…but I think it’s a smidgen too cool. The grays here are fabulous, and the 2nd Base is *almost* there, but I lose some of the greens which are so essential to my palette (since they’re my eye colors). So, hmmn.


And to compare…

MY Zyla Colors!

I finally found my Zyla colors! It took a while and a good bit of help from folks, as well as a good deal of research, but here they are!

FIRST BASE: Behr 770F-7 “Beluga”
1st base

SECOND BASE: Behr 7808-7 “Bison Brown”
2nd base

THIRD BASE: Behr 790E-1 “Subtle Touch”
3rd base

DRAMATIC: Behr 500F-6 “Hallowed Hush”

ENERGY: Behr 430F-7 “Windsor Moss”

ESSENCE:  Behr 130C-2 “Cafe Pink”

ROMANTIC: Behr 150E-3 “Calico Rose”

TRANQUIL: Behr 780F-4 “Sparrow”


MY Zyla Colors!