My Secondary is WHAT?!

So I finally got Carol Tuttle’s book It’s Just My Nature. I thought I had everything pretty well figured out at this point, but decided I needed to get it for reference. And so I made a great attempt to read through the whole thing, but found myself kind of skimming over the general information about energy typing because I was so keen on getting to the REAL parts…the Typing sections.

And when I did, well. I found out something really interesting.

I’ve known for a long time that I’m a Type 2 (though for a while I thought– or make that feared– I might be a Type 4). I know that I’m a lower energy movement in general, but that secondary has always kind of stumped me. I knew that it was a higher movement. I get these bursts of energy, and I tend to burn myself out quite easily if I don’t pay attention to what I’m doing.

So I was reading along through Type 1 and wondering that, although I see some superficial facial resemblances, I didn’t find a lot that meshed with my body movements. I just gave a shrug and moved on. Obviously I’m a secondary Type 1. After all, I know I’m not a secondary Type 3.

Type 2’s section was amazing and very validating. I saw sooo much of how I am, how I act and react, my inner motivations and thought processes through the entire section. Gosh, I even saw how I tend to write while reading through the stories of other ladies’ journeys through Dressing Your Truth and their realization that they were in fact a Type 2. I cannot, absolutely cannot, write a tiny little paragraph and be done with it…and anyone who’s read this blog (not that anyone has! Ha!) would see that so easily.

And honestly? At this point I kind of skipped over Type 3 altogether. I really skimmed through it super fast and moved on to Type 4. But then something made me go back and take a more detailed, thorough look at what I was reading there.

All of a sudden, I realized that I saw SO much of myself in the Type 3 section! It was like a lightning bolt out of the sky striking me straight in the head! Oh my gosh, it was so crazy! All of a sudden, I started seeing things I do (to some degree, of course, because this isn’t my primary, it’s my secondary). And the big kicker? I saw that my body movements– how I walk, how I sit, how I stand, how I get from place to place– are ALL Type 3! ALL of them.

How crazy is that?!

So now, after all this hemming and hawing and going back and forth…yes, I’m certainly changing my type again. I’m not a 2/1 after all.

I’M A 2/3!

And it’s really, really freeing. It’s funny how much lighter and not-stressed-out I feel about finally figuring this out. And even more interesting is how well this Type combination matches up with my astrological natal horoscope. I have so much fire in my chart it isn’t even funny (Sun in Aries, Venus in Aries, AND Mars in Aries…as well as Moon in Sagittarius!)…but I was so dead sure that I couldn’t ever be a Type 3. In fact, I was so sure that I put Three DEAD LAST in type order!


Now I understand more fully why I act and react in certain ways. Coming up sometime in the future I will break down my Type 2 and Type 3 secondary nature…in detail!



My Secondary is WHAT?!

Don’t Let Others Tell You YOUR Truth!

Here’s to making big mistakes, y’all!

It’s been a little while since I wrote or updated in here, a month, actually. Last time I posted, I felt so sure that I wasn’t a Dressing Your Truth Type 2 with a Secondary 1. I’d posted a few pictures on some DYT Facebook groups, and the resounding answer was I was a Type 4, probably with a Secondary 2.

Now, I loathe Type 4 style and colors. So I resisted this altogether, and even went so far as to make a HUGE rant on the Type 4 group about what to do when you hate your Type. It began when I had this dream, and in it, I met Carol. She told me in no uncertain terms that I was very obviously a Type 4, and that I ought to just get over it and start Dressing My Truth the right way. The whole thing was very surreal (like dreams tend to be), but very vivid, and almost had the quality of a nightmare. I woke up literally sick to my stomach with anxiety, knowing that I was a Type 4.

So people on Facebook said to me, “Well, a lot of people have resistance to their Type because they have issues they haven’t confronted. However, if it really felt like a nightmare, it’s always possible it really WAS a nightmare, especially if you fear that Carol would Type you as a 4 and you feel the least comfortable as one.”

And I got to thinking about that for a good while.

Truth of the matter is, they were right. I can tell by when I wear Type 4 clothing that it’s so not right for me. The red and black? Good God. I feel so full of anxiety and completely riddled with exhaustion at the same time. A Type 4 should be able to rock that like nobody’s business. And I know for a fact that straight black and white (stark Type 4 color combo that only a 4 can pull off) is SO bad on me!

The big problem I had– and still have, to some degree– is letting other people tell me what my Truth is. Ironically, Carol warns people about this pretty consistently, and even does so right in the DYT free course guidelines.

BIG mistake.

I had to take a real step back and examine what I really need out of this color and style journey. I already know that I’m a Soft Gamine in Kibbe’s style system. I’ve tested it, and it really works. I already know that I…don’t quite fit into sci/art, the way most people would think. I LOOK like I should be a Dark Winter…but the colors are too strong and too saturated. I love to look at it, but on me it doesn’t feel RIGHT. So then that leaves Soft Summer (the only other real match to my coloring)…but I don’t quite seem to be as soft and blended as a typical Soft Summer. I also have more contrast and appear a bit more crisp.


Crisp, eh?

And then it starts making sense again. I was leaning Type 4 something or other because I saw what I needed out of clothing styles and thought the word “structured” and the word “clean” and the word “simple”. But those adjectives don’t really define me. Type 4 is structured and clean enough to look fabulous in color blocking. On me, it’s pretty unfabulous. Boring, even.

I needed something more. More…animation? More whimsy? More playfulness? I thought I might need texture, but that was wrong and so Type 3, which I know doesn’t fit me. What I needed was crispness and LIGHTNESS. Lightness is Type ONE.

I keep thinking about my hair and what I need from it to look good and be comfortable. Having long hair is just awful on me. I know my  hubby likes and prefers long hair, but he’s going to have to love me without it, because it drags me down, makes me feel depressed, and hides me completely. I become completely lost behind this huge, flat curtain of hair, and frankly, it’s awful. I hate it. I’m not interested in dressing it up in any way. It’s so hard to take care of and maintain, so I throw it up in a ponytail or a bun…and end up looking like a severe, unhappy version of a Type 4. I look severe and unhappy because I am NOT a Type 4, and that’s utterly clear to me now.

What I need out of my hair is LIGHTNESS. I need it to be free, to move, to bounce. Imagine my surprise last summer when I went to the salon to get my hair cut and got this cute layered bob style. All of a sudden, all kinds of movement started happening. All my life I’ve had stick-straight hair. No I don’t! Not at all! When my hair is long (and by long, I mean, anywhere longer than my collarbone), it’s TOO HEAVY for me! I actually don’t have straight hair at all…and if I recall correctly, I’ve seen pictures of me as a little with this super adorable mop of wavy hair. It’s when I start to conform to what others want of me (Dad: “Women should have long hair.”) that I start to lose myself.

Now, I’m still searching for the perfect haircut, and I’m quite a bit overdue. Indeed, I’m at the point already where it’s easier to ponytail it and look like a Four again. Next time, it needs to go a LOT shorter to get it right. I haven’t found the right stylist yet, so hopefully the next one I see (whenever taxes come in; good grief, IRS, get on the ball here!) will do a better job. I fully intend to come armed with lots of photos of hairstyles and a LIST of keywords for the stylist to keep in mind as she’s chopping away at my mop.

Anyway, that was a bit of a segue, wasn’t it? Coming back around to things, I’m sure that a lot of people would read this and think, “Well, with all this need for lightness…are you sure you’re not a Primary Type 1 instead of a 2?” Well, yeah. Yeah, I am sure. Because I know what colors look good on me for a fact, and those are Type 2 colors. I also have the personality traits of a Type 2, think, act, and react like a 2, get emotional like a Type 2, &c. There’s really no getting around it. I know for certain I am a Two. It’s just my Type 1 is so close (and hey, even the Type 4 is pretty close) to the Type 2 that it’s easy to get confused.

So there you have it. My detailed ramble on why I’m a Type Two Secondary One.


Don’t Let Others Tell You YOUR Truth!

Living As a Type 2…and Got It All Wrong

This is more than an aha moment. This is an epiphany. And it’s really scary for me.

More consideration and more research. More reflection and deep thought about who I am, who I should have been and who I want to be. I’m starting to see where I’ve gotten off track, and maybe some of the reasons why this has happened.

Like I inferred in the last post, my childhood was…difficult, to use a mild word. My parents divorced when I was five, and I was functionally abandoned by my mother. My father did the best he could, but it was not easy for a divorced single father in the 80s. I remember being little and loving to run and play and dance…and being told to settle down. I remember being shamed for my energy and love of life, for wanting to have fun. And over the years, I think that changed me.

I’m not blaming my father. I know he did the best he could under the circumstances. But what was a happy, lovely, bright child became shy and withdrawn, riddled with stomach troubles and massive anxiety.

I realize now that because of the way I was raised, because of expectations that were put upon me, and because I was forced to grow up so fast (and take care of my sister like a mother would, even though she was a mere year younger than I was), my personality was stifled. I became, well…I made myself a Type 2. Because that’s what was expected of me. Because that’s what my father saw (and still sees) as the epitome of womanliness. And what little girl doesn’t want daddy to be proud of her?

It hurts to write about this. It hurts to reflect on the past like this, and mull it over, and share it with the world in this way.

I’ve been living contrary to my nature for a long, loooong time. Almost thirty years of my life. I’ve been living in my secondary Type 2 since I was seven or eight years old. Even thinking about embracing my true self is kind of terrifying. I’m not sure how to get over the negativity associated with it.

No, I’ve never been a Two, though my personality and reactions are very Two. I learned how to be that way, but it’s not who I truly am. It’ll be difficult, but maybe it’s time to embrace the real me.

~*~*~ Things that helped me come to this realization: ~*~*~

Your Body Never Lies!

“Here is a great question someone posted on my Facebook page:

“My sister-in-law and I watched your online course last weekend together and we loved it! Thank you so much! My sister-in-law has the face texture/nose of a Type 3, but she identifies with the personality traits of a Type 4. She chose Type 4 as who she is. What do you do when your physical features and personality traits don’t match up?”

Here is my answer:

Your body never lies.

Your body never lies and we adapt our personality and behavior tendencies to our environment and the people in it. I am a Type 3 with a secondary Type 4 that lived a lot in my 4ness as you will learn when you read my book, It’s Just My Nature!, my body is definitely a Type 3. So by what you are telling me your sister probably is a dominant Type 3 if that is what her body is saying. Read the book and it will help sort it all out!

A quick answer to your question is “it means you have not been living your truth most likely and it’s time to start living it!”

A lot of people are not living their true nature and as a result many things are out of balance in their lives.  Just like in the world of nature if we alter it’s natural expression it goes out of balance and in to disharmony.”


I’m a Type 1. I see it in my face everywhere. I look JUST like all those primary Type 1 women. I see a lot of mannerisms that are the same as theirs.

But this is really scary stuff, folks. This is really and truly earthshaking for me.

I need to give it more consideration, but I think the truth is that I’m not a 2/1 (which is safer, eh?).

I’m a 1/2. Cheerful, bright, happy, animated, with a childlike love of the world and nature, but still soft and gentle and personable. I’m the blower of bubbles and dandelion fluff. The swinger on swings. The skipper down the sidewalk. The lover of sparkles and kitties and birds on the wing. That’s who I was a long time ago. I wonder if it’s not too late to get that back…


Living As a Type 2…and Got It All Wrong

I Was Definitely Wrong!

So yesterday I was blogging about how I was unsure of my DYT (Dressing Your Truth) secondary type. It’s something I’ve been having a naturally difficult time with. I really feel like I’ve been overthinking this thing.

But today, I had the opportunity to sit down and just check out some of Carol’s “finding your type” videos…and I’m over the second-guessing.

I’m not a 2/3 at all. I want to be, though, because I love the earthiness and texture they get. It reminds me of nature, which I love. It’s also a good part of the reason why I had such a hard time letting go of the Autumn general seasonal color. It feels natural to me.

But it’s not me.

I’m definitely 2/1.

How do I know this? Well, like I said yesterday, Two as primary is a given for me. The video talking about how we react when emotionally upset or stressed out was very telling. Not only that, but it should also have given me some clues as to the secondary. Yes, I’m very emotional; that’s something I never want to change about me. I cry, I worry endlessly, I get sick to my stomach. All very Type 2.

But the other thing I do? Bury it. I don’t want to talk about it. I want it to go away. And Carol said, clearly, that a Type 1 will straight up say “I don’t want to talk about this right now”. And when I’m upset, that’s how I feel. I’m emotional. I feel like a wreck. I’m crying and feeling like crap…and no, I do not want to talk about it. I just want it to go away. I want to stop dwelling, because I’m never going to regain control of my emotions unless I don’t have to think about it.

All very Type 1, eh?

Not only that, but I see a LOT of One in my face. Here are examples of confirmed Type 1s, along with my own picture (though it’s an old one) for reference.

4-Types-of-Jaleah Dressing-Your-Truth-Jamie-Type-1-Before-and-After Dressing-Your-Truth-Jessica-Type-1-Before-After Dressing-Your-Truth-Type-1-Before-and-AfterVersus me:



This is the most telling version where you can see a lot of the “upward movements” the lady on Facebook was talking about. I see the Two in the lips and nose (S-curves), with the heart shaped face Ones have, as well as the “smiling eyes” look, asymmetrical dimples, high forehead, apple cheeks, &c.

Not only that, but a hallmark trait of a Type 1 is that they tend to see themselves in ALL of the types, making it difficult to narrow down which one they are. They’re keeping their options open. Lord knows I did just that. Am I a One? Well, maybe. I seem to have a lot of the physical features. Maybe Two? Oh yes, I’m very emotional. What about Three? I definitely have a good bit of texture in my skin, and I do tend to be very impulsive and sometimes snappish. Four? Sure. I like to be still, quiet, and alone.

And as well as all that? I start a lot of projects but DON’T finish them. This is a One movement, not a Three. I say I get really fired up when I’m talking about something I have passion for (maybe more because I have a lot of Aries in different aspects and less so because it’s a movement of mine…), so fire made me think Three. But really? I get ANIMATED when I talk about something I’m passionate about. And I gesticulate. A lot.

Though I wouldn’t necessarily say that things are “fun” (a Type 1 keyword), I do say “cute” and “adorable” a LOT. And having watched some of the expressions of Type 1 women on some of Carol’s videos, I can see that I do a lot of them…to some degree.

A part of me wonders, even…if things hadn’t gone the way they did in my childhood (I won’t get into it here, because there’s a lot of very personal stuff; suffice it to say that I had a very rough time of things), I kind of wonder if I wouldn’t have always been a primary Type 1 with a 2 secondary. And I wonder if I wouldn’t be happier that way. At the same time, though, I am who I am…now. Not who I could have been had things been different.

But maybe that’s a different subject for another day.

Anyway, I’m convinced.

DYT Type 2/1 it is!

Now to make a pinterest board! Woo!


I Was Definitely Wrong!

Another Go At DYT

I made the mistake of looking at my Color & Style pages list on Facebook today, and it led me in a massive segue back into the world of DYT. I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing, although I will say I’ve been doing it for hours. And I think I had a minor (or MAJOR!) epiphany.

I was looking at secondaries primarily today. It’s easy for me to determine that I’m a primary Type 2. If I had any doubt of it, Carol’s video on youtube regarding How Being Upset Reveals Your True Nature really solidified things for me. Absolutely, no two ways about it…I am definitely a Type 2! If you’re not sure, give that link a clickie. It was extremely helpful for me.

The secondary has been a lot more of a challenge, and truth be told, I’m still kind of up in the air. But there are some things bouncing around in my head that are giving me a few aha moments.

Not all Type 2 feels perfect for me…especially the manner of dressing. I like to look at it. Heck, I LOVE to look at it. But on me…it feels kind of silly. Like, it’s really too much. Too much frilliness, too many scarves. I generally prefer scarves to be, you know, on my head (even if this year I’ve fallen rather far off the bandwagon of head covering…). A bit too neutral, staid, and boring. And I recalled someone commenting on my glasses on Facebook a few months ago.

I need more upward movement.

Huh. Upward is Type 1 or Type 3. I’m not still enough to be a Four anyways (although I CAN be a huge perfectionist). I’ll leave that to the hubby; he’s a Four all the way.

So I dove headfirst into Type 1, because I…just didn’t like the words describing Type 3. I mean, I just don’t like them. And hey! I’m fun! …right? And I am also very youthful, being almost always told I must be around 19 to 22 years old when I am, in fact (gulp!), 34. Makes a lot of sense, right?

But there’s a lot of 1 that just doesn’t feel like me. When I think of a classic Type 1, I think of my old coworker S. She was always on the move, always laughing, everything was always about having a good time. And I do like having a good time. I do. But my idea of a good time doesn’t seem very Type 1-ish.

So I started watching videos regarding secondary energies and how they manifest when socializing. And the one about Type 3 (double gulp!) really resonated with me. I run, run, run, and push myself until I’m exhausted, burst into tears, and withdraw. I feel stress and too much energy physically in my body. My version of working out is hopping on the treadmill with headphones on, listening to music and hitting a comfortably medium-paced walk. I can go like that for hours, and in the past I’ve done it. Even better, a comfortably medium-paced walk through the woods, a la hiking for babies. Yes, that’s me all over.

And then I thought about a lot of my fiery traits, the ones I suppress. All. The. Time. The urge to snap and get irritated. Having grand ideas for this or that, starting huge projects, going on a bender for hours, or days, or weeks…and then never finishing it. Getting the urge to start a journal again, and then letting it peter out after a few days or weeks. Heck, I can’t even manage to write on my blogs consistently (as you can see if you read either of them). All of my energy is in spurts, and I get energy typically and especially in the mid to late morning hours. I expend a ton of energy (in house cleaning, &c.), go for a couple of hours, then run out and need to recuperate.

And in reading up on the four temperaments, I can see easily that I am a phlegmatic/choleric temperament. Phlegmatic is the energy and movement of water (therefore Type 2), while choleric is fire (which relates to Type 3).

So surprise! The type I hated almost more than any other type might very well be my secondary after all! Ha.

So now, I’m going to dig and dig into Type 2/3 and the temperaments, and see how things go. This should be interesting, at the very least…and hopefully very insightful!


Another Go At DYT

Another Look at DYT

Someone mentioned something in one of my facebook groups the other day that really got me thinking about energy typing again. I posted a photo of my new haircut, which unfortunately featured my not-so-good old glasses (that are going to be changed SOON!). Someone commented on the glasses specifically and said she’d like to see more upward movement with my glasses, and that she saw me needing more upward energy.

Upward? Isn’t that, like…Type 1 or 3?

Nah, I hate those types.

Or do I? Maybe this lady is on to something.

Aaaaand…so off to the world-wide-web I went, yet again, to do some more exploration on energy typing.

I always kind of assumed that I must be a 2 (or 4 at one point or another, or a 2/4 or 4/2) because I’m a naturally introverted INFJ. But one thing about the INFJ is that they’re the most extroverted of the introverts. And don’t get me wrong, I do love people. I love to be around them, and have fun, and engage in conversations about all kinds of topics. I get very animated and excited when I’m talking about something I have great passion for. But eventually enough’s enough, and I really do need some down-time.

Type 3 didn’t sound like this kind of energy to me, so I started looking into Type 1. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I have a LOT in common with Type 1 energies, and even a lot of their physical features! Here’s a checklist for the different types that I worked over in GIMP to show where I lie:


Now that I know a lot more about my face shape and geometry, this test was a lot easier to do, and my results were dramatically different than what I thought I was last time I did it. Perhaps some of it was wishful thinking; after all, I’ve always seen the quiet, serene, gentle woman as the epitome of femininity, and I do long to be seen as that. But now that I know that my face is heart-shaped, so much about how I see myself has changed. And my answers to this quiz have changed a lot, as well.

From totaling up the scores here, I can see pretty clearly that I’m a 1/2/4/3. And to some degree this makes a lot of sense to me. I found these word lists that describe the traits of certain types. Since I only found Type 1 and 2, I’ll post my results here, with positive and negative personal traits shown.

Type 1:

1listmeType 2:


Lots of answers on both. I can see why I thought I must be Type 2 for the longest time.


Another Look at DYT

Yet Another AHA! Moment

All my life, I have seen myself a certain way. I always feel fatter than I look (even when I weighed 110 lbs.). I see bumps and blackheads when others see amazing and flawless skin. And I saw an oblong face when that…apparently was never the case at all!

I’ve always felt that my face was super long and kind of horsey (and honestly never cared for its shape much), but the other day I stumbled across a website that said it will tell you what your face shape is based off of actually measuring certain points through their simple program. Imagine my surprise when I found this:


Not oval. Not oblong. Heart shaped.

The irony is that I was so excited the other day when I discovered this, I absolutely gushed about it when my MIL got home. She kind of laughed and said to me, “Honey, if you’d wanted to know what your face shape was, you should have asked me. I would have told you it was heart-shaped right away. It’s so obvious!”

Head meet desk.

It’s kind of a really weird feeling when you find out things about yourself that you’ve never imagined or thought could be true. I mean, really, really weird. Barriers in my mind about who I am and what I look like are just breaking down lately, and something new is taking its place. I’m feeling like this new thing is something better than the negative way I’ve always seen myself.

If anyone would like to try out this little program (done all online), you can find it here:


Yet Another AHA! Moment

Soft Gamine Epiphany!

This morning is my big “AHA!” moment, for real.

Oh my gosh. Maybe it’s a bit weird to be so excited, but I DO get excited when I recognize myself in something. And I most certainly recognize myself in Soft Gamine!

I got approval to the SG facebook group yesterday afternoon, so I spent a lot of time on there absorbing information and reading conversations amongst women of this type (or at least suspecting themselves to be, like me). I saw discussion about hips (gosh, have those in spades!), where weight gains (hips down, hey), the fact that so many weigh more than they look to others (almost 140lbs. here, and most people think I’m joking when I admit to it), and “sturdy” calves.

Gosh, y’all, it’s ME!

So now I can understand why I was initially so very attracted to Soft Classic when I first started this Kibbe typing journey several years ago. SC a lot of the same or similar elements as SG, but on me, Soft Classic was a bit staid and boring. I think I need a little more character to really be me and look well in clothes. Literally the ONLY thing that kind of makes me sad is no long skirts for Soft Gamines. I still haven’t figured out how to hold myself to my personal modesty standard and do this style in its entirety. I’ll have to think about that for a while…

And because I like photos, I’m going to pull together a couple of looks or pieces I’d like to try out (or at least, decent facsimilies thereof) when I can afford to start shopping for clothes again.

These are called “ear crawlers” and they’re recommended by Kibbe for SG types.
This is ADORABLE! It has the combination of soft and hard lines that’s supposed to be for SGs, with just a touch of cuteness and whimsy.
So cute and whimsical! I don’t know if it’s just me, but the little red rondelles look almost like ladybugs to me, and that’s what I thought they were at first!
If you couldn’t tell, I LOVE accessories, especially cute jewelry! I chose these because I have always been attracted to Soft Classic’s classy (ha!) pearls recommendation, but they always kind of looked like a little kid playing with mommy’s jewelry on me. This is an idea for doing pearls while not being SC. More visually interesting and cute to boot!
These pants! Also any style that’s cropped and fitted, as well as shapes called “cigarette pants” are supposed to be good on SG.
Likely one of my most favorite top combinations, EVER. I love the cute cardigan look. I’d do full length sleeves or 3/4 length, because Florida.
Cute flats with scalloped edges and cutouts (scallops are a SG shape, from my understanding).
I would probably wear this entire outfit (except the bag, which is too big for me)!
Last but certainly not least, my dream haircut. This is what I’ll be getting done next week, when I get paid at my new job! I’ve always looked my best with shorter hair. I don’t know HOW I could have thought I was SN, the classic long-haired chick!


Soft Gamine Epiphany!

Update On DYTing the Kiddo

So yesterday I watched this great video by Carol Tuttle, and it was about how to type your baby. In it, she says that you can tell what primary Type your baby is from birth, and often before they are even born! After having watched it, I have changed my kiddo’s Type order, because what I noticed about his personality above all else, while he was still incubating, was that strong, strong movement all the time.

Why Type 1 and not Type 3? Well, he was very, very active in utero, but his movements weren’t very aggressive, like a Type 3’s might sometimes be. I never got the real solid kick in the ribs. He was just rolling around all the time, sticking his little elbows and knees and hands out so that I could see them.

So as a revision, here’s the kiddo’s Type order:


My slight case of OCD loves how that came out!

And for anyone who would like to watch the video, here you go:


Update On DYTing the Kiddo

Laying Sci-art to Rest.

Well. Yesterday, I finally sat down and posted a whole bunch of real life drapings for the Figure My Season Facebook group, and the results were fairly well unanimous. What’s my MIT? Darkness and some warmth.

Ladies and gentleman, I’m Dark Autumn.

Which I kind of have been thinking for quite some time anyway, so!

Now all I need to do is figure out how to get myself a fan, and then I can start shopping for fabrics to make stuff with!

The funniest part about all of this is that I’ve always felt for sure that black is so bad on me. In fact, there was quite a lengthy discussion about the black and what it was doing to me. It turns out that everyone else thinks it’s really not so bad at all, and that I can handle that kind of darkness. Some even said they saw some skin clearing, too, though it was generally said that black is not The Best on me. A very dark almost-black or a softer black would undoubtedly be well. So how about that?

Burgundy was well liked, as well as, surprisingly, this medium sunny yellow. The yellow wasn’t perfect, but was nice on my skin. It did cast something of a shadow on the sides of my face, though, so the yellow color wasn’t just so, but there was something to like about it (so sayeth multiple people). I think it would do well were it a little browner and taken into the goldenrod territory. So now, I’ll be on the lookout for goldenrod-colored things as well! Pure white was an absolute, unanimous NO, which I guessed myself because I look very sickly in white. No one at all liked the charcoal gray, but I think if it were warmer (gunmetal?) I would like it a lot.

Dark brown, if warmed up some, was liked. I would like it too, but it’s so hard to find warmed up browns that aren’t TOO warm! The light browns/taupes were not well liked in general, because I needed more darkness than that. Cream was great, which is what I expected as I like it very well myself. The avocado green 2-in-1 was liked, though I saw some reflection under the chin, as well as the teal one. Which is awesome because I picked out both of those after having determined initially that I was Dark Autumn, and shopped them online using the palette (above) which I have saved on my computer! 🙂

It’s odd that almost all of the scarves I own are cooler, or at least far too cool for me. That was the general concensus: “This is far too cool, that is far too cool”…although there were a couple of instances where something was too warm, namely the rust/orange scarf I have. I’ve always kept those colors far away from my face, though, so no harm there. Up close both were dastardly, although I will say that all of the commentary about it was dead set against the orange. Which I knew all along. Orange is BAD on me. BAD. …AND the reason why I didn’t think for pretty much forever that I was an Autumn at all, because I could not wear orange well. Of course, I was imagining pumpkins and the like, which are for a True Warm Autumn. No, I am not that. I do have some neutral, too, and lean darker. But I’m told I ought to go a lot warmer than what I have been doing. Almost everyone commented on how they would like to see me in warmer recs, just to see what it would do. Alas, I don’t have much and draped literally everything I had to work with.

I was extremely gratified that everyone else saw that Brights were too bright for me. The true red was a definite no, as were the royal blue and the lime. Between the three it was easy to rule out Bright Winter and Bright Spring altogether. Which is good, because I hate both! I almost had a panic attack when I was doing the digital drapings in GIMP and was told by Buffy that she liked the Brights the best. That, I’m afraid, may have been a case of “I like the colors that look well on ME, not you”…just like I did when she was posting up what everyone else thought SHE was. I said I thought she was Dark Autumn. She turned out to be Bright Spring.

The teal paisley pashmina wasn’t entirely liked, however there WAS something about it to like. Going warmer was suggested, as it looked a touch too cool.

LOTS and LOTS of comments of this or that are ALMOST good, but a bit– or WAAAAAY!– too cool.

I need to work on my eye some to make sure I buy the right things.

Next order of business is to try and get myself a fan! If I can somehow manage to make one from this palette out of paint chips, I will SO do that! Otherwise, I’m afraid the palette strip will have to wait till tax time next year.


Laying Sci-art to Rest.