Update On DYTing the Kiddo

So yesterday I watched this great video by Carol Tuttle, and it was about how to type your baby. In it, she says that you can tell what primary Type your baby is from birth, and often before they are even born! After having watched it, I have changed my kiddo’s Type order, because what I noticed about his personality above all else, while he was still incubating, was that strong, strong movement all the time.

Why Type 1 and not Type 3? Well, he was very, very active in utero, but his movements weren’t very aggressive, like a Type 3’s might sometimes be. I never got the real solid kick in the ribs. He was just rolling around all the time, sticking his little elbows and knees and hands out so that I could see them.

So as a revision, here’s the kiddo’s Type order:


My slight case of OCD loves how that came out!

And for anyone who would like to watch the video, here you go:


Update On DYTing the Kiddo

Typing Myself & My Family

Carol Tuttle has a great little checklist to help decide on Types based off strictly physiology.

So using this, I typed out myself, my husband, and my nine year old son. Here are our results:

Myself-   2/4/1/3
Hubby-   4/3/1/2
Son-       2/1/3/4

These kinds of things I find to be extremely fascinating. They really help me figure people out, I think. I think that’s the Type 2 “get all the details” nature. I’m never finished with this journey. I always want to know more.

I went back and forth on 2/4 or 4/2 for quite a while, but finally decided after watching one of Carol’s videos. In it, she talked about how 2/4 is a HUGE pile-maker. They know where everything is, and it’s organized to their standard, but doesn’t look or seem that way to others. And all of a sudden, I went “AHA! THAT’S me!”

Hubby? Always knew he was a 4. He’s got that intensity and perfectionism about him. I’ve been more interested in finding the secondary, tetriary, and inferior types. Couldn’t figure this out until I did the test, then went and watched a video on 4/3 vs. 3/4. Bingo.

Son has been something of a challenge, but I think how this landed works quite well. I knew there was some outward movement, for sure. This kid is quite the yapper. So I thought, must be Type 1/something. But he’s also quite the sensitive little bugger, and gets frustrated and upset quite easily sometimes, which got me thinking 2. I thought it must be 1/2 because he’s always so outwardly focused, but thinking back I realize this isn’t the case. First, before anything else, he’s more the sensitive kid, and has been ever since he was a baby. But his constant yapping made me kind of overlook that. Also as a baby, he Could Not Stop Moving, Ever. He was always in motion. So I can see how I thought his energy must be Type 1 for sure.

Anyway, some interesting thoughts here.


Typing Myself & My Family

Seasonal Color or Personality…Which Is More Important?

This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about in the past couple of days. Yes, seasonal color is more “correct”, as it matches with your actual body and the colors within it. But what happens when what you think is your season doesn’t match with the Real You, the one expressed in the deepest core of your personality?

Making a decision here, I feel like I will be moving forward with Dressing Your Truth (DYT) over seasonal color analysis. With SCA, the only way to get it done correctly is to have a professional drape you at a rather significant cost. With DYT…well. If you know and can recognize yourself, you can do it without sharing a single dollar with anyone! …and really, with the position I’m in right now, the no-money option is definitely the way to go.

Maybe this is why I always feel hung up when it comes to SCA. I don’t feel like I’m honoring my true self just going off of my physiology. I know some people will say, “Well, if you’re a Type 2 but also Dark Winter, you can do DW colors that are in a T2 style.” But to me, that kind of feels inauthentic still. I’ve tried it. I look great, but my energy feels like garbage. At this point in my life, I would MUCH rather look good instead of great, and FEEL great instead of meh.

So that’s my solution. It might not be the right way to do things for everyone, but for ME…well.

I’m a Type 2/4.

This means soft and subtle coloring, flowing fabrics, comfort, but clean lines (from the T4 aspect). And in THAT, I feel like I can actually be me.

This woman does not feel like me. She might “look” like me, but she doesn’t feel like me.

This is not how I see myself, nor is it how I would want others to see me. Cold. Hard. Chic but unapproachable.

When people look at me, I want them to see this:

Feminine. Comfortable. Approachable. Calm. Relaxed. Easy-going.

I want to be the woman you’d see wearing this:

So…that’s what I’ve decided to be. Kind of feels good to be your true, authentic self. I hope I can.


Seasonal Color or Personality…Which Is More Important?